Sunday, May 30, 2010

2NE1 - I Don't Care

hey playboy,its about time,& ur time's up
I had to this one for my girls
you know
sometimes you gotta act
like you don't care
that's the only way you
boys learn !

Friday, May 28, 2010

never make her cry !

hey peeps. wat's up?
actually i found the groups title "when girls cry" in fb.
its quite interesting for me,
so guys, this are some description from there .

If a girl cries in front of u,
It means that she couldnt take it anymore.
If u take her hand,
she would stay with u for the rest of ur life.
If u let her go, she couldnt go back to
being herself any more.

A gurl won’t cry easily,
except in front of the person whom she
loves the most,
she becomes weak.
A gurl wont cry easily,
only when she love u the most,
she put down her ego.

Guys, if a gurl cries bcoz of u,
please hold her hands firmly,
coz she’s the one who is willing to stay
with u for the rest of ur life.

Guys, if a gurl cries bcoz of u,
please dont give her up,
maybe bcoz of ur decision,
u ruin her life.

When she cry rite in front of u,
When she cry bcoz of u,
Look into her eyes,
Can u see n feel the pain n hurt she’s

Which other gurl have cried with pure sincerity,
In front of u,
And bcoz of u?
She cries not because she is weak,
She cries not bcoz she wants sympathy or pity,
She cries,
Because crying silently is no longer possible,
the pain, hurt n agony have bcome too big a
burden to be kept inside.

Think about it,
If a gurl cry her heart out to u,
And all because of u,
Its time to look back on wat u have done,
Only u will know the answer to it.
Do consider it,
Coz one day,
It may b too late for regrets,
It may b too late to say “im sorry”.
think about it.

“Appreciate and love those around u so that u’ll
never regret when it is too late..”
assalamualaikum .wee ~

thursday's story

ok.smlm sgt la bz buat aku..antara perkara2 yg perlu di laksanakn :
  1. presentation IB !
  2. beli hadiah
  3. balik seremban

  • tghari smlm, aku dgn gagah nye seorg diri driving ke alamanda koz nk cri hdiah si roomate aku,nina. hdiah itu sgt la comel, smpai aku pn rse syg nk bg die.MUAHAHAHA!
  • then, back to plak nk prepare for present. nervous !!
  • klas stat pkul 6 lbih..around 9pm bru lah settle present,lmbt koz group aku no 8 present..ade ONGGG maa. :)sgt la gugup present smlm, nk2 part aku tu plak byk no,smpai tersasul2 dh..gagagaga
  • after that, aku pn need to rush,yela..tkut kot drive blk sorg2..aku kn lemah lmbut org nye(ape kaitan?),aku pn run in heels.OMG ! kaki sakitttt.
  • smpai je hstel, trus amik beg sume.then, aku bg hdiah cumilll tu kt nina. & drama pn brmula la, die trharu la itu la,ini la.wt gaya sotong die tu..hahaha.(nina,jgn mrah)hohoho
  • slpas drama, brmula la evolusi drift aku, memecut ke highway KL-seremban. .dlm pkul 10 lbih kot smpai..alhamdulillah slmt smpai..
  • its a really tired day for me, smpai kn aku trtdo smlm..then trjge dlm pkul 5 lbih koz mr F call :)

friday's story

  • bgun awl pg, nk send parents to KLIA. wuuu..sedih2..diorg nk g Korea ! n lg skali aku xdpt ikut koz stdy week pnye psl..(stdy la sgt)
  • 2 keta konvoi . my cute orange(cute like owner nye) kahkahkah ! n my dad's driver ; abg khairul.
  • otw ke KLIA, we'all trdgr "pop" mcm ade bnde mletup kt dlm keta aku.aku dh peluh2 panic kn..check2 tp xde ape dlm ati aku,biar je la.wt xtau je.
  • smpai je KLIA, trun luggage sume driver ayh pn blik la.n btw, abg herry dh pn already ade tgu kt sne.abg aku laaaaa...seems like dh lme msing2 x jmpe abg koz his work times yg x mnentu,kitorg pn berphotoshoot la di sne.dh mcm ARTIS plak kn si abg tuuuu.hahaha..
  • i will upload the pics later.
  • then, abg,akak,adik n aku yg mnis ni tgu la our parents for their departures. sempat la dgr taklimat agent poto travel diorg.hahaha.dh mcm aku plak ikut gk kn..& the best thing is, time agent tu pgil name tag , aku trdgr "NURAZIRA,NURAZIRA !".wahhh ! dlm ati aku,ade kah ini suprise yg di berikn kpd ku??ohhh.i'm going to fainted.goshhh. but unfortunately , tu nama org lain dowwww.hahaha! aku bru dh pk nk shopping ape kt sne knnnn..damn !
  • after that, around 1pm ...our parents pn check in to departures counter. ok.aku nmpk mata adik berair.nk nangis la tu !! hahahaha.emo pnye budak :)
  • pastu,kitorg pn balik la lps dh mmuah mmuahh ayh n mak.n dh dpt duit blnje $$$$ .gagaggaga.
  • mcm biase la kn,aku jgk drive blk umh,adik naik keta abg.akak mmbuta tdo kt sblh..cisss jeles!
  • park kt garaj umah, aku terkesima jp tgk cermin dpn keta aku ! shittt ! ade mcm retak2..aku dh stat maki2 dh .ok, bru realize bnyi pop! td mybe sbb ni..kne batu agk nye..alaaaaaa.syg nye keta akuuuuuuuu.grrrrrr!
  • hummm.abaikn la,nk wt cmne,dh nk kene (ayt akak aku td)
  • then, msuk je umh aku dh cm sdihhhh+bosannnn..xtau nk wtpe dhhhh.akak plak nk g kl,ade kje..ahd bru yg ade adik n abg je la.
  • so tnpe buang mse, sleeping beauty jp.pastu hujn lbat plak,aku trkejut kotttt ade petir2 ! aku trus bgun.tkuttt nk tdo.hehe.
  • as a conclusion , mak ayh cpt la blkkk ! sob sob~

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

is this l o v e ?

One of the most common questions we get asked is "How do you know if it is really love?" Well, as you can imagine, this also happens to be one of the most difficult questions to answer! Love is such a strange, wonderful thing that nobody really has codified what it is yet. And to further complicate matters, there are so many different kinds of love: the love you feel for a friend, a family member, a sport or even a pet. This is such a crazy emotion that there is absolutely no way that I can definitively answer how you know it is love… but I am going to give it a try!

Now, in order to find out if you love someone, the basic place to start would be to ask yourself, do you want to be with them? If the answer to that question is no, then it really can't be love. When you love someone, you want to be with them. Not just be with them, but share everything with them. You have a great day at work and want to rush home and tell them every wonderful thing that has happened. You feel excited at the prospect of just being in their company, just being close to them isn't enough, you want to be a part of them, a part of their life forever. You can't stand the thought of being away from them yet, when you are, you still feel that ever-present bond that ties you together wherever you go. You can almost feel what they are feeling. You feel like, with a little bit of effort, you can see what they are seeing and think what they are thinking. It is almost as if you both can occupy each other's bodies with complete trust and harmony. That to me is love.

Now, on the other side of the spectrum, there are a host of emotions that people confuse with love. One of the most common is lust. There is a difference between wanting to sleep with someone and wanting to spend the rest of your life with someone.

Being overly dependent on the other person is also not a part of love. Some people fall into the trap of thinking they love someone just because they are afraid to be alone. They have become dependent on the other person for so much that they don't know how to make it on their own, or they would much rather be with someone than no-one.

This leads to the old cliché, in order to love someone else, you must first learn to love yourself. Well, we've all heard that before, but what does it really mean? It means that you have to be confident in your own ability and your own judgement. You really have to like yourself and know what you have to offer another person. There is no way that you can love another person if you are so stuck in your own hang-ups that you bow down and propitiate to the other person. That is, you do anything they ask and agree with everything they say out of fear that they will love you less because you don't do those things.

Basically, the question of whether or not you are in love with someone is pretty cut and dry: you either are or you aren't… and deep down, you know the answer. You just have to trust yourself to recognize it.

p;s. i love you Honey !

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Shontelle - Impossible

such a beautiful song that you've must heard.

I remember years ago
Someone told me I should take
Caution when it comes to love
I did, I did
And you were strong and I was not
My illusion, my mistake
I was careless, I forgot
I did
And now when all is done
There is nothing to say
You have gone and so effortlessly
You have won
You can go ahead tell them
Tell them all I know now
Shout it from the roof tops
Write it on the sky line
All we had is gone now
Tell them I was happy
And my heart is broken
All my scars are open
Tell them what I hoped would be
Impossible, impossible
Impossible, impossible
Falling out of love is hard
Falling for betrayal is worst
Broken trust and broken hearts
I know, I know
Thinking all you need is there
Building faith on love and words
Empty promises will wear
I know, I know
And now when all is gone
There is nothing to say
And if you're done with embarrassing me
On your own you can go ahead tell them
Tell them all I know now
Shout it from the roof tops
Write it on the sky line
All we had is gone now
Tell them I was happy
And my heart is broken
All my scars are open
Tell them what I hoped would be
Impossible, impossible
Impossible, impossible
Impossible, impossible
Impossible, impossible!
Ooh impossible (yeah yeah)
I remember years ago
Someone told me I should take
Caution when it comes to love
I did
Tell them all I know now
Shout it from the roof tops
Write it on the sky line
All we had is gone now
Tell them I was happy
And my heart is broken
All my scars are open
Tell them what I hoped would be
Impossible, impossible
Impossible, impossible
Impossible, impossible
Impossible, impossible
I remember years ago
Someone told me I should take
Caution when it comes to love
I did..

p;s :don't break my heart

Monday, May 24, 2010

wow ! finally ;) HAHA

yes !! finally ade pun BLOG. haha.ape korg gelak2 ha??huhuhu. actually, its been a quite long time ago that i feel interested to sign in but no time for this (konon). n today, yeahhh keep rock in bebeh ! hbis la luahan perasaan sume kt sni ok..heee.really hope I can keep update this blog days by days, for entertain u.(so sweet right? agaga ) .......btw, it's still in progress yet.
so guys, what u waiting for? just enjoyyy the show